Sunday, March 22, 2015


I think it's wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.

Steven Wright

Loosely based on pages from the Lindesfarne Gospels and the Book of Kells, the Game Board for the Life of Birds and Insects project was not designed to be played but rather to look like it could be played.  Now that it exists, Korinthia Klein and her 3 game playing children have been working on ideas and rules for actually using it.  I believe it is the reverse of how most games have been designed.

St. Cuthbert's Duck (an Eider Duck) resides in the center of the board.
Cuthbert lived in the north of England in the Farne Islands.  He was a Prior and eventually a Bishop but his heart was that of an Anchorite.  He chose to live on Inner Farne Island which no one before him had successfully inhabited.  His close association with, and love for, the waterfowl of the region led him to make laws in 676 protecting the nesting birds.  This might well make him the first conservationist.

Soon after Cuthbert's death the monks created the Lindesfarne Gospels in his honor.


  1. We plan to play with more ideas for it over summer break! Hope we come up with rules you like.

  2. Informative article, just what I was looking for. Thank you so much for taking the time for you personally to share such a nice info.
    Game one
